Friday, 4 February 2011


Im getting a little bit picky as to what im uploading for life drawing now. As i feel im repeating the same things, though slightly different poses. So I'll be uploading those pics where I'm trying new things.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

edit me..


Split Seconds

Just finished drawing at Laban School of Contemporary Dance.
Wish i'd have picked a ballet school, the dancing was sometimes VERY fast, and such odd unique poses.
Was really challenging.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Quick Draw

A collection of drawings from class.
Most at 15-20 seconds.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Woops. Late.

A little late with the updated life drawing.
Lovely trip to the natural history museum, which, to start, was slow, though ended being much better than the art museum. Loads more kids, and people looking at exhibitions a little more intently...meaning less movement.
Anyway, here's the pics.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


Got all of my favourite little sketches in one pic.

Was concentrating on following the techniques in class, stripping back lines and unnecessary borders. Was quite difficult to really strip back, and suggest form with little information. Though i was doing it before when i started a drawing, it was hard to stop, and leave the lines to suggest what i would normally fill in.
Have also done a few drawings in a small notebook, which i'll upload a little later...
Looking forward to doing some more on-location drawing :)

About Me

Animation research, sketches and pics are to follow..hopefully.
